Monday, December 3, 2012

Musing Mondays [2]

MUSING MONDAYS… is a weekly event where MizB of Should Be Reading will ask a book/reading-related question, and you answer with your own thoughts on the topic.

This week’s musing, courtesy of Booking Through Thursday, asks…

How do you organize/store your books? Do you go through them often? Or do you pretty much just shelve them and then leave them alone until you need them?

I actually just moved into my new house about 2 years ago and have yet to get any bookshelves in place (I know, I'm pathetic).  But, as a birthday present, my hubby ordered three solid wood bookcases and they're supposed to be delivered this Wednesday...YAY!!!  So, right now, all of my books are in boxes or in drawers under my bed or are filling up the drawers of an old rolltop desk I own.  Oh, and are also filling the three drawers of my nightstand by my side of the  Needless to say, they're everywhere and have absolutely no organization at this time.  And those are the books I've read.  The ones I haven't read are in the store bags still, the bags stacked in a corner, the books waiting to be read.  Sigh.  But, when the bookcases arrive, I'll be sorting the books by genre (separating adult from young adult) and then by author, putting series books in order of course.  And I will probably have enough shelf space left to dedicate a shelf or two to the books I haven't read yet, my TBR shelves. :)

I'd love to know how you organize/store your books,
so leave me a link or comment below!


  1. Very cool. Enjoy your new bookcases!

    1. Thanks so much! Glad you stopped by. :) I'll be over soon to check out your musings post!

  2. I'm also in a bit of disorganisation due to lack of bookshelves. Your new ones sound nice - enjoy! Here's a muse and pic of my jumbled mess:

    1. Yeah, I can't wait to get the bookshelves! I have a feeling I'll end up spending ridiculous amounts of hours organizing and re-organizing the! Thanks for stopping by. :) I'll be over soon to check out your musings post!

  3. Enjoy your new bookcases! I always love when I get new shelves or bookcases and I get to spend so much time with all my books to put them in.

    My musing can be found at

    1. Thanks, I'm sure I will! Just the idea of getting my books out in the open makes me giddy! lol Thanks for stopping by! :)
