Monday, November 28, 2011


It's amazing how best laid plans can get way-laid by irritating distractions.  After spending a rather restless night writing out the next section in The Soul of Arial in my head (yes, lots of tossing and turning as the scenes unfolded), I was ready to put those scenes down on screen.  Of course, I start up my computer and what do I find?  It telling me that I might have a security risk.  Which leads to scanning my system.  Which turns into installing more updates.  And that leads to cleaning off a bunch of junk on my pc that I don't use anymore. 

So, by the time all of that's done, the morning is shot to hell and I've still not written one word of the story that had kept me up half the night.  Sigh.  Oh well, my computer is semi-clean and ready to be productive again, so I guess that counts for something.

Anyway, I am horrible when it comes to distractions.  I'm very easily distracted, unfortunately, and getting back on track again is one of the hardest things for me to do.  I've reached a point now where I'm more inclined to just shut everything down for the day and curl up with a good book (it's kind of gloomy, yucky outside...perfect weather for reading).  See, now I'm distracted again.

But, maybe...just maybe...I can pull out some resolve that I know is hidden within me somewhere and actually write for a little bit before I give in to the dark side.  It will be a struggle, but the story must continue.  Leaving characters dangling is not a good thing and it will just haunt me the rest of the day if I don't do something.  There's always tomorrow, when I can start fresh and correct any glaring mistakes or ridiculousness I might type out today.

So, wish me luck...I have a feeling I might need it this afternoon. ;)

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