Friday, January 6, 2017

A New Year

Good afternoon, all!

It's a brand new year and I've got lots going on that will hopefully all happen this year.  First is Perspicacity (Annals of Ellie #2)!  It's in its final stages of edits and should be published by early to mid-February, fingers crossed!  I do finally have a cover for it, so I'll post it here:

After I finish with Perspicacity, I intend to start writing the manuscript for the next book in the Galactic Dynasty series.  And if I get that done early enough, I'll return to Annals of Ellie to begin writing the third book in that series.  So, lots of writing happening this year!

I've also got a few vacations planned, one to Key West, FL, one to visit my bestie in KY, and others I'm not a hundred percent sure on where they'll be just yet.  I'm looking forward to traveling, though!

I hope everyone has a wonderful, safe, and productive new year and I'll be back on to post more when I get the chance!

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