Friday, February 13, 2015

Dividing a Book in Two

Good morning, peeps!  And Happy Friday the 13th!!!  As you can probably guess, I love this particular date.  I'm not of the superstitious nature and completely embrace this date because it's a special date for the Muse and I.  Every time there's a Friday the 13th in the month, he takes the day off work and we enjoy the day together.

Anyway, that's actually not what this post is about.  Just wanted to gush about how awesome my Muse is for a moment. lol

No, this post is to inform you awesome followers and readers that a somewhat major decision was reached over the last couple of weeks.  I've been talking about Two Worlds for the last several months as the sequel to Prophecy Revealed (The Soul of Arial #1).  Well, after working on it these last couple of weeks, I've come to the realization that I was trying to cram two books worth of material into one book.

So... Two Worlds has been broken into two books.  The new titles are Underworld (book 2) and Aboveworld (book 3).  Underworld is almost complete.  I just have another chapter or two to add to the manuscript and then I'll begin the final editing process.  Plus I still have to create the cover and come up with a synopsis.  But if all goes well, Underworld will be releasing very soon!!

I'm excited about this decision because it's going to allow me to explore each of these fascinating worlds more in depth.  Well, Arial will be exploring them and then telling me what she sees so I can write it.  You know how characters are!

Once Underworld is published, I'll be switching gears and will begin writing the first draft for the third book in the Galactic Dynasty series.  This is the series I co-write with my Muse and hopefully we'll have the third book out to the readers of that series by the end of this year.

I think that's all the news I have for now.  I hope everyone has a wonderful Valentine's Day and an amazing weekend.  And if you're looking for some good romantic reads to curl up with this weekend, be sure to check out my publisher's Romance page.  All of the books on that page are amazing and would make a great addition to any romance reader's collection!

Take care and Happy Reading! 

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