Friday, April 11, 2014

Updates, Vagar, and Other Randomness

Wow, it's been quite a while since I last posted. *hides face in shame* lol  I promise, I've been busy writing and editing among other things over the last couple of months.  So, let me update everyone on the latest.

As you all know, Prophecy Revealed (The Soul of Arial #1) is now available on Kindle and Nook for $6.99 and in paperback on Amazon and CreateSpace for $9.99.  The cover, synopsis, and first chapter can be found on my publisher's website, Cressen Books LLC.  And you can also find purchase links there.  Plus, be sure to browse their website for other amazing books by really talented authors!

As for Vagar (Galactic Dynasty #2), I've been making huge progress in the drafting of the first manuscript.  I'm up to Chapter 14 now and can probably conclude that I'm about halfway done, give or take a chapter or two.  Things are stirring up for Rosa and Daemos and there's some major reveals and intrigues in development even as I write this post!  lol  Never a dull moment with those two. :)

Also over the last couple of months, I took a trip to Baton Rouge, LA and can safely say that I really don't want to go back.  It was an experience, not necessarily a great one, and I kind of wished I hadn't stayed for as long as I did there.  Of course, my extended stay had to do with the horrible snow storms we got back in February that ended up canceling our flights back home twice, once while we were sitting in the plane being de-iced before take-off.  Yeah, there were a lot of unhappy campers on that plane, including me.  But I did finally find some really good Cajun cuisine my last two days there... sadly, this food was found at the airport hotel we stayed at for the last two nights and at a restaurant within walking distance of the airport hotel.  Yeah, had to go to airport land to get the good stuff because downtown Baton Rouge didn't have squat... sigh.  Oh well, it's one more place I can mark off my list as having been to.  'Nuff said.

Other than the Baton Rouge trip, I also made a couple of treks to a place along the Chesapeake Bay in Virginia.  I call it my writer's retreat... it's a house built in the 1880's that a co-worker of my hubby's is renovating.  She needs help with stuff from time to time, so the hubby helps her with house projects while I hole up in what she calls the Floosy write my little fingers off for hours on end.  Love that place as it always has such creative energy there and I come away pleased with the progress I've made on various writing projects.  Anyway, I've been there twice in the last couple of months, hence the reason I've made such astounding progress with Vagar.

So, I believe that's the gist of what's been happening since my last post.  At the end of April, I'll be attending the Martinsburg Chocolate Festival and Book Fair.  And then I'll be heading to Kentucky the first week in May to spend some much needed girly time with my bestie there. 

My goal right now is to have Vagar finished and ready for publication sometime this summer.  *crosses fingers*  I'll be sure to keep everyone posted on the progress there as summer looms closer!  As for the second book in The Soul of Arial series, I've kind of set that to the side in order to concentrate on Vagar right now.  Once I get the first draft done and in the editing process, I'll probably start focusing more writing energy on Two Worlds.  Until then, Arial and the winged warriors are taking a little vacation!

Whew, alrighty then.  I think I've caught up on everything.  I hope everyone is enjoying springtime and reading all kinds of amazing books!  Happy reading to all and I'll try to get back on here again soon with more updates!

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