Monday, August 26, 2013

Big News to Share!

So, a while back I posted about The Soul of Arial series that I've been writing/mulling over.  And I mentioned that I was putting it on the back burner until I could decide for certain what I wanted to do with it.  Well, I've decided....

Prophecy Revealed (The Soul of Arial #1) is in the process of being edited and will (hopefully) be published within the next 6-8 weeks!!!

This is a major milestone for me as it takes me out of the realm of 'tweens (The L & L Mysteries) and young adult + (Galactic Dynasty) and puts me full force into the adult arena.  And since this will be my debut for adult readers, I really want to make sure I've got everything nicely massaged so that when readers pick this book up, they know right away it's meant for mature readers and won't want to put it back down until they've reached the end.  And when they reach the end, I want them to want to move on to the next book, even if it hasn't released yet!  Yeah, I want a lot. lol :)

Anyway, The Soul of Arial is a planned trilogy.  Whether any other books result after the three books are written, I have no idea.  It's possible, but it's not in the plans at this time.  This trilogy falls in the fantasy genre with elements of supernatural/paranormal woven in.  Everything is made up, so I can't actually say that there are any familiar supernatural/paranormal creatures (i.e. vampires, werewolves, angels, etc...not going to find them here) and even the realm is not anything that someone would be familiar with, per se.  It's a mash up of different ideas/theologies/myths/philosophies rolled into one big, complex realm to make it a unique and intriguing world to dive into and explore.

So, I'm very excited to share this with you and can't wait to share more as the publishing process progresses.  I hope to have a cover designed within the next couple of weeks and will share that here on the site as well as keep everyone up to date on things.  Plus, I still have other projects I'm working on as well and will post updates on those too.

Exciting, crazy, happenin' times here and it's awesome that I get to share that with all of you!  Now, it's off to do some more editing/massaging!  Have a great week!

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