It's been a while since my last update so let me bring everyone up to speed. Lineage (Galactic Dynasty #3) will be releasing Wednesday, Sept. 9! So excited for this latest installment in the sci-fi/adventure series I co-author with my Muse to be out there for you readers! To tide you over until the release, here is the cover and synopsis:

Once Lineage goes live I'll be turning my focus to The Soul of Arial series to begin work on the manuscript for Aboveworld (book 3). I'm really looking forward to getting back in the mindset of Arial, Rayner, and others as their journeys continue!
I'm also working on another writing project. I haven't quite decided where it's going yet, but once I have a firmer feel for the actual manuscript, I'll post some updates and more information on it here.
I hope everyone had a great summer and got a chance to read a lot of awesome books! If you haven't had a chance to check out the Galactic Dynasty series yet or have been meaning to catch up with it before the release of Lineage, be sure to visit my publisher's website for both Starward (book 1) and Vagar (book 2). The first chapter of each book is on the site as well as purchase links for Kindle and Nook and for the paperback version.
Have a great rest of the week and I'll try to log on again soon with more updates!