Happy New Year, everyone!
Sorry I've been silent for so long, but as you can see by the progress bar on the right side of the screen, I've been hard at work on Two Worlds (The Soul of Arial #2)! It's coming along beautifully and I hope to have the full manuscript written by the end of this month.
So, speaking of the new year, what's in store? Definitely the publication of Two Worlds, which I hope will take place by March. *crosses fingers and toes* Then it's on to book 3 in the Galactic Dynasty series that I'm co-authoring with my Muse. If all goes well, I should have that book ready to publish between October-December.
On top of getting two new books out this year, I'll also be putting my editor/cover creator/formatter/publisher hats on and helping the other authors in the Cressen Books publishing family get their books out there to the masses. I also have two trips planned this year, one to Norfolk, VA and one to Indianapolis, IN as well as a possible third trip but that one's still in the works, so not sure yet if it will happen or not.
2015 looks as though it's already shaping up to be a busy, exciting year! On a personal note, I've challenged myself to read 50 books this year as part of my Goodreads Challenge for 2015. And I'll always be working on other writing projects that may or may not see the light of publishing. Never know! If any of the books I read this year turn out to be review-worthy, I'll be sure to post the review on the site here and share my thoughts with everyone as well as posting the review over on Goodreads. And if you're not a member of Goodreads, head on over and check the site out, maybe even send me a friend request while you're at it!
Okay, so I'm off of here for now. I'll try to be a more consistent blogger this year... one of my goals for 2015. I hope everyone's new year has gotten off to an awesome start and I look forward to sharing this year with all of you awesome peeps!