Ah, the taste of sweet freedom!
What is she going on about now, you ask? Well, The Butterfly Connection should be ready for publication within the next couple of days and I am breathing a huge sigh of relief. As much as I love The L & L Mysteries, I've discovered that it is now time I moved on to other projects and put this one to rest for a while. Someday I may come back to these characters that I love so much and write them into an adult mystery series. But for now, it's time to say good-bye.
So, what's next? The galaxy and beyond!! lol Meaning Starward (Galactic Dynasty #1), being co-written with my wonderful Muse. I have some scenes to polish and a few chapters to add. Then it's on to the editing stages and publication for this exciting, sci-fi/adventure novel.
And I have The Soul of Arial I'm still working on. It's about half-way done, so still a lot of writing to do before I can hand it over for editing.
And.....yeah, the list keeps growing! lol I've come up with a new idea for an epic fantasy series. I always love the new idea stage of a story. It's fresh and alive with so many possibilities for going so many different directions. I believe I have the overall story outlined in my head. Now I have to figure out the particulars. And this one may go for three books or it may go for more. That piece I don't have a feel for yet either. But the characters are already taking up space in my head and clamoring for attention. So, I have a feeling I'll begin writing some rough drafts of the story here shortly! *does a happy dance*
Of course, on top of all of that I still have the business to work with. But things are flowing very smoothly with that end of the spectrum. I'll soon have a couple of manuscripts to begin editing (both technical and content), but I really look forward to those. It will keep me from my writing for a few days but I believe it will definitely be worth it. The novels in question have very fascinating storylines that I'm looking forward to diving into. So, it's all good!
And if anyone has been following my Facebook posts, you'll know that I've begun a little exercise routine, something I really needed to do since I was finding that I spent most of my day on my butt in front of the computer. So starting Monday, I began working on an Elliptical trainer that we purchased from someone close by who was looking to get rid of it. It works perfectly for what I'm wanting it for. I've started out with a 5 minute routine and will slowly be working my way up to using some of the pre-programmed workouts on the machine. So far, so good. I've not strayed off the path, which was my biggest concern. But things are still in the early stages, so I'm being cautiously optimistic. I do love the machine though. It makes me feel as if I've actually worked out and accomplished something, which is good.
So, I guess that is all my news for right now. Some was probably a repeat from my last post, but I'm just so excited about things right now that I had to repeat myself! lol I hope everyone is having a good week and I wish you a safe and fun-filled weekend...or at least a very relaxing one! :)
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