Monday, November 26, 2012

Musing Mondays [1]

MUSING MONDAYS… is a weekly event where MizB of Should Be Reading will ask a book/reading-related question, and you answer with your own thoughts on the topic.
There are a lot of books being made into movies, these days (“Anna Karenina“; etc). So, this week’s musing — courtesy of — asks…
Have you ever read a book after watching the movie/television version only to find that you don’t like the book as much as the adaptation?

It usually tends to be the opposite for me.  I'll read the book and then watch the movie or TV show and hate the movie/TV show.  Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone was a movie that I watched before I began reading the book and I was actually impressed that "Hollywood" managed to make an excellent movie based very closely on the book and it's events.  In fact, it was the movie that got me started reading the series.  But as for reading a book after watching the movie/TV version and not liking the book as much...I think the only instance I can come up with is Carrie by Stephen King.  The movie was actually much freakier and better portrayed than the book (yeah, I was shocked to discover this and I love Stephen King's writing).

What are your thoughts on this intriguing question?
Leave me a link or comment below and have an awesome Monday!


  1. Oww Carrie EEEKKK!! Do not want to think about that one to much ;)

    Loved Harry though I think I prefer reading the books and use my own imagination.

    My MM

    1. I agree...I prefer to read the books and let my imagination take over. But sometimes the book-to-movie phenomenon does actually work out fine. :)

      Carrie was such a creepy movie but I really enjoyed it!

      Thanks for stopping by! :)

  2. Carrie is pretty freaky :)

  3. I haven't read or watched Carrie yet, which is sad since I love horror movies. I read Thinner by Stephen King and I wasn't freaked out like I wanted to be. I reall want to read Salem's Lot or It. Only a couple of times has a movie been better than the book for me. Here is my Musing!

    Vyki @ On The Shelf

    1. Hi Vyki! If you ever get the chance to watch Carrie, definitely do so! Sissy Spacek does an amazing job as Carrie. :) Thanks for stopping by!
