So, long time, no post but that doesn't mean I wasn't busy. After my root canal, I had more complications and it's taken this long just to get over the initial procedure, which was over 2 weeks ago. And during that time, my brain seemed to shut down where writing was concerned. Instead of pushing the envelope, so to speak, I said 'okay, what can I do that doesn't require creative thinking?' and the answer was....Editing.
On that note, I spent about a week and a half going over my Muse's novel, The Drill Sergeant's Women, and making much needed technical tweaks to it. I will readily admit that I am embarrassed that we published it in such a state of grammar errors, but I have remedied that and am now waiting for him to approve all the tweaks. Then, I can upload the clean and polished version to Kindle, Nook, and CreateSpace and have it ready for readers everywhere. And that is when the Teaser Campaign will commence. So, if you want to get sneak peeks at what's inside The Drill Sergeant's Women, head on over to Cressen Books LLC's facebook page and like us to receive your dose of Sparky!
Okay, so now you all know what I've been up to these past few weeks. And as the title of this post states, I believe I'm in serious need of a brain reboot. If any of you have any suggestions on how I can go about rebooting my brain to get the creative writing flow going again, I am all ears! I believe the desire is there, I just need to get the actual words flowing again. Of course, it also helps when I don't have other distractions going on, which I think I may have resolved by getting the editing done and (finally) getting over the root canal drama.
On that note, wish me luck as I begin a new week and hopefully, the magic will return to my fingertips once more!
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