Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Sacramento, Here We Come!

**Update: Since I posted this, I've decided to put another word count on the sidebar to mark my progress on another story I'm writing.  It's YA Contemporary, but quite frankly, I'm still in the beginning stages of it and don't know exactly where it's going to go yet.  Just wanted to pass that little tidbit along for anyone interested.

Just a heads up and a reminder from last weeks' post...the hubby and I will be heading to Sacramento, CA on Friday.  He has a conference there for a week and then we're spending an extra week seeing the sights and celebrating our 9-Year Anniversary!  Yeah, I'm amazed at it being 9 years!

Anyway, I probably will not be posting to this blog for the next two weeks, as I'm really trying to take a break from all things author and business related.  My poor little brain cells need a serious R & R right now!  But, I am taking my wonderful digital camera and intend to get lots of pics while we're gone.  Then I'll weed through them and share some of the better ones with you all when we get back.

So, have a wonderful rest of July and I'll see you guys in August!

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