Saturday, May 26, 2012

Quickie Update

This post may be a little short as I'm trying to keep an eye on my Muse while he tackles tumbling a really large tree.  I needed to escape the heat and humidity for a few minutes and thought, hey, I need to write something on my blog.  Yeah, I talk to myself's when I get answers back that I start to worry. ;)

Anywho, I am in the thick of editing both Starward and Dangerous Moves at the moment.  I'm also in the process of updating Cressen Books website because guess what?.....Okay, I'll tell you....all books published by Cressen Books are now available on the Nook!!  WOOT!  So, now our books can be found on both Amazon's Kindle and Barnes & Noble's Nook...I'll leave links to each at the end of this post.

So, this means that the publishing business' website needs updating (again).  Yeah, that's a never ending chore.  Just ask any webmaster or anyone who has their own website or even blog for that matter.  Always something to tweak!

Oh, and before I forget, Starward's cover design is coming along nicely.  I may even have a cover reveal for you in the near future.  I hope you like it because I'm totally loving it!  It fits so well with the story.  But then again, my Muse and I wrote the story and are creating the cover together, so it better darn well fit! lol

I guess that's it for now.  The tree hasn't fallen yet and I don't hear anyone yelling "TIMBRE" out there, so all is good!  I hope everyone is having a wonderful and safe Memorial Weekend and I'll try to be back in the loop soon with more updates!

Oh, and here's those links:

Amazon Kindle: $6.99
B&N Nook: $6.99

For those of you who aren't aware, this is my Muse's (aka, the hubby's) novel.  It's really really good, so check it out and spread the word to others who might be interested!

Amazon Kindle: $5.99
B & N Nook: $5.99

Amazon Kindle: $5.99
B & N Nook: $5.99

Amazon Kindle: $5.99
B & N Nook: $5.99

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